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            如何通过网址识别youtube或vimeo网站? - 码客:2021-2-3 · 如何通过网址识别youtube或vimeo网站? - 我在Drupal中创建了一个表单,其中有一个名为'URL'的字段。现在该网站的用户将在这里输入任何网址。现在,由该用户输入的网址我只是想验证它是否是一个适当的YouTube或VIMOO网址或不。例如: 网址 ...

            *Hours and services are subject to change*






            还在羡慕YouTube?国内视频网站早已超过-美国 ...-科技改变未来:2021-11-14 · 从Youtube到Netflix,似乎美国视频行业的发展一直遥遥领先。而中国的玩家伔一路学习、模仿,在竞争赛道上艰难前行。不过,经过近十年的努力 ...

            Every HopCat is designed to look and feel unique. HopCat was envisioned, designed, stocked, and staffed with one mission in mind: To bring you great beer. What is a great beer? It's a beer made with care and pride. It might be a local beer or one from across the globe. It could be your usual pint, or a beer that you had no idea existed. Every once in a while, it's a beer you never would have ordered unless your server or bartender suggested it.